
You are a powerful, beautiful, multi-dimensional being. When you embrace this inner knowing, you are able to quiet the negative chatter of the external world and tap into your unlimited power. In this stillness, you begin to release any need for judgement, comparison, or competition; attributes that can only create an inner turmoil, blocking your ability to connect to your higher self. This internal dialogue projects as the experience of your physical world and reality; observing the world through the lens of your perspective. Beyond that is the infinite realm of foresight and knowing, which becomes available to you with tranquility and the magic of inner silence.

When we feel a sense of disappointment, it is a confirmation that the ego is not worthy of getting the object or materialist outcomes it desires instantly. When this occurs, it’s important to be aware that the Universe is trying to expand the limits of our viewpoint, expanding the parameters of our perception so we can realize our existence from a higher level of consciousness.

We only WANT the objects and outcomes that we desire because we IMAGINE that these dependencies are the only way in which we can achieve the ELATED FEELINGS and emotions in our bodies. To attract the higher positive vibrations, such as joy, inspiration, passion, pleasure, contentment, tranquility, which are all vibrational frequencies of fulfillment, we must become aware of these emotions and imagine these reactions without the attachment to materialistic objects.

When disappointment and feelings of sadness occur, it is an opportunity for us to hold space for these emotions, feel them deeply before we let go, surrender, and integrate these equally important sentiments into the Light.

When we are no longer triggered easily, we have reached an emotional spiritual maturity, creating space for the most pleasurable feelings and sensations. This new paradigm fifth dimensional perspective of raising our vibration is simply allowing us to respect our painful emotions, to be welcomed and honored, heard and felt in our hearts.

You are the co-creators, the influencers and therefore, the catalysts for evolution. Blessings Beloved.

Your Mastery

At some point in our journey, most of us experience a feeling that there is something greater than the physical world we inhabit. Whether we are inspired by the wonderment of the glorious view from a magnificent mountaintop, deciphering the mystical, the magnetic energy experienced by connecting with others, or the ambiguity of quantum physics, these precious moments can be both humbling and grounding. These elevated emotions and experiences shape the foundation of our spiritual journey, through our own creative expression. This is where we discover our strength and power within to become masters of our own reality.

Through this evolution, we invite peace and tranquility into our heart-center and into every aspect of our daily life, helping us become more humble, compassionate, and kind. Once we reach this enlightened state, we become judgement free, energetically sensitive but non-reactive beings. This is the true personification of love without any attachment to outcomes, with deep connection and respect for Mother Earth and all living beings.

As we approach the cosmic alignment of “the Lions Gateway” portal, beginning on July 25th until Aug. 8th, we need to remind ourselves of our mastery. This portal is a powerful opportunity for energetic influx and activation, marked by the alignment between our planet Earth and the star Sirius. This alignment is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine.
During this time, there will be an intense surge of light codes to awaken the DNA, activate the human energy field, transmit high vibrational frequencies and ascension. Through these affirmations, we discover our strength and reaffirm the power within to become masters of our own reality.

To help us achieve this state of being, we can practice this daily affirmation: I radiate with loving kindness and life mirrors that back to me. My efforts are being supported by the Universe. My life is taking place right here, right now, and I am awake, alert, and open to the beauty and magic all around me. I choose to rise above negative energy, thoughts, and feelings. I accept myself exactly as I am. I love my life, my blessings, and all the abundance that is yet to come. My relationships are loving and harmonious. I am at peace. I trust in the process of the Universe. I am connected to the Divine love and wisdom. I can let go of old, negative beliefs. I am in charge of my thoughts and I choose to focus on my daily joy. I nourish the Universe and the Universe nourishes me.

I remember myself as the master that I am, the master I have always been. I know I have mastery over my life by how still I can keep my mind, how alert I am in the now. I do not allow negative thoughts to gain control over my being. I am clear, untouched, and unharmed by all that I have experienced in my life. I approach each harmonious relationship with profound blessings as opportunities for my highest evolution.

No matter the ups and downs that orbit my outcomes, I acknowledge that my journey enables me to become the most magnificent expression of Divine Source energy. I accept my strength with grace and humility.

I AM strong.

I AM beautiful.

I AM powerful.

I AM the Light That I AM.

I AM Loving Awareness.

Elevated Emotions

When our heart is open, it is connected to the infinite possibilities that exist in the unified quantum field of potential energy. This is where polarity meets duality and the place where wholeness and divinity begin. When we combine a clear intention with our elevated emotions, we begin to transmit a whole new electromagnetic signature into the field. With this vibrational match, the frequency generated carries information throughout our physical bodies. We are more intuitive, more patient, more connected, more present, more understanding, more forgiving, and more knowing. When we truly operate from the space of love, we begin to feel oneness as unified consciousness, rather than the feelings of fear, separation and stress that divide communities and drain individuals of vital energy.
Keep radiating at high frequencies of love beautiful Souls, we are ONE, connected in loving kindness. Blessings of infinite Light, Namaste.

About Heart of a Warrior Angel

“Award-winning Author Lali A. Love expertly delivers complex characters, intricate worlds, and thought-provoking themes. The ease with which the story is told is a reflection of the author’s talent in exercising fluent, powerful, and appropriate language. Book Excellence Award Finalist.”

Lilac Noble must face the traumatic experiences of her childhood before she can conquer the dark entities that have wreaked havoc on her family. On this epic journey, Lilac undergoes the destructive process of spiritual enlightenment in order to lift the veil of darkness and shame that has obscured her youth. As Lilac unlocks painful memories of abuse, suppressed in her subconscious from years of fear-based conditioning, she uncovers menacing secrets feeding the evil within her generational bloodline. In an attempt to vanquish the sinister energies, Lilac finds the courage to discover her inner truth, vulnerability, and authenticity, as she awakens her divine light and overcomes her debilitating fears of the past. Lilac’s unconditional love for her family guides her through her process of healing and transformation, fuelling her instinct for survival and her burning desire to illuminate the world.

A heart-wrenching and gripping tale of a family’s rise from poverty, oppression, and abuse. Spanning two continents and three generations, this inspirational novel portrays the best and worst of humanity and shows how the “tiniest spark of light can overcome the darkness of any magnitude,” through forgiveness, compassion, and the most powerful force in the universe – Love.


I AM star dust plucked from the cosmos,

Consciously transforming the realms of my bounds.

As I illuminate my divinity to heal old wounds,

I emerge with the wisdom of a thousand prophets,

So let it be known with elation and trumpets.

I AM a collection of souls primed by sacred flames,

But now you begin to define me with human names.

With calcium, carbon, nitrogen, and iron,

I form my vessel as a conduit for my soul mission.

Particles, atoms and cellular debris,

Producing a bundle of joy to fill your heart with glee.

Gifting my wholeness as my conditioning begins,

You imprint your ancestral scars and emotional casings.

Layer by layer my pureness starts to dimmer,

Wearing masks of pain and a phony glimmer.

The parasites rejoice as they begin to feast,

But I will not be enslaved by your insatiable beast.

I remember my wholeness as I awaken and heal,

Picking up the shattered pieces of my tender heart, I start to feel.

I’ve been stitched together with self-realization and love,

Honing my warrior radiance from the creator above.

With loving awareness, I intensify with explosive light,

It emanates brightly through the broken fragments of my might.

As my calcified ribs grow wings of illumination,

I rise above your shadows and your delusion.

I AM magic, love, kindness, and bliss,

Spreading messages of unity that you cannot miss.

With forgiveness and compassion, I set you free,

As I AM infinite energy transmuting with glee.

Radiating at high frequencies to heal this earthly dome,

I will love you eternally as I transform back home.

Lali A. Love