Heart-Centered Awareness

Heart-Centered Awareness

“No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are.”

—Banani Ray


Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the vernacular of the body. How we think and how we feel creates our state of being. Daily hormones of stress cause us to unconsciously focus on the worst-case scenarios, resulting in negative thought patterns and emotional behaviors.

When we focus our attention on what’s going wrong instead of what’s right in our lives, we lower our vibrational state. In order to regain control of the frequencies we emit, we must learn to cultivate our state of being. We have to increase our awareness of our own thinking, speaking, and acting and be willing to self-analyze and self-adjust with gentle kindness.

In every situation, we have numerous alternatives that affect us and the people around us by the choices we make. Our conscious choice making should nourish us and every

one influenced by our actions, taking responsibility, and caring for what we value. Every action we take generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind.

By taking deep cleansing breaths, we can become aware of how we are expressively reacting to situations and assess the choices we make. The frequencies that we emit from this state of being are the vibrations that we attract back into our reality. It’s time to level up and rise together, beautiful Souls. I honor your journey, much love, blessings and gratitude.


“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you; none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” 

—Swami Vivekananda

The New Earth

“Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment, for validation, security, or love —you have a treasure within that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer.”
—Eckhart Tolle

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, marking the cosmic alignment of Jupiter and Saturn. This has been referred to as The Great Awakening, a shift into a new age that many mythologies and cultures have predicted. This alignment will provide light code upgrades to our DNA, enabling a higher dimensional expression of our genetic codes, resulting in an increased awareness and ability to process frequencies. This will enlighten our collective consciousness to expand our field and widen our perceptions through the rainbow bridge. A powerful time for reflection, renewal, and rebirth.

When we ascend from our heart-centered consciousness to meet ourselves in every form of each multi-dimensional realm that comes to be, the true reality of Divine love arises in our hearts. The fulfillment of the eternal I AM expression of Creation comes alive in our being.

This lavish banquet of happiness arises from within. When we experience setbacks in life, it is an opportunity for us to find creative solutions and to redefine our priorities. We can observe our challenges from a space of alignment, and explore other options once we realize that we possess the power to focus our attention on endless and limitless possibilities.

As such, all cellular imprints of darkness and shadows are transmuted in the presence of eternal light as we step out of duality dream time. This is the initiation process of collective awakening. Integrating, aligning, and developing a more unified, loving connection is essential. The more we radiate high frequencies of love, the more our physical reality will manifest.

We have already entered the most incredible paradigm of human existence in the New Earth, it is time to shift from the ego-mind space of fear and illuminate. May this heart-centered love empower and liberate all of humanity and Mother Earth. Blessings of infinite transcendence and limitless joy.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
—Albert Einstein


“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” —Adyashanti


Our consciousness is the ultimate basis of our being that creates all our reality. How our minds are programmed results in the experiences of our bodies, our perception, and our lives. When we elevate our state of awareness, we reinvent and transform our consciousness to our highest level of Divinity. This will influence how we think, how we emotionally react, how we perceive the world around us.

It will help us attain encouraging, loving, compassionate relationships, social interactions, behaviors, and patterns. These qualities are more conducive to the process of enlightenment, as it also provides healing for our environment and the world as we are all interconnected.

This also helps improve our biology, like our blood pressure, heart rate, immune functions, etc. For most of us, our bodies are the battleground for the conflicts we wage in our minds; by choosing to change our negative self-talk, our bodies can become the playground for bliss, creativity, harmony, and inner peace.

How do we transform our unconscious being into an expanded state of consciousness? Through the powerful alchemy of meditation and deep breathing.

May you be blessed with inner peace and an abundance of love as you journey through this loving, harmonious Universe with grace and humility.


“You’ve seen my descent. Now watch my rising.” —Rumi

Spiritual Maturity

When we embody the Light with complete integration of mind, body, and Soul, we reach a state of spiritual maturity in our ascension journey. From this enlightened state of being, we honor our desires with the understanding that we may not receive them until we are fully ready. This insight requires a complete trust, surrender, and embrace of the loving, intelligent Universe.

Journeying through an awakening process enables the gradual disappearance of our external wanting and expectations. We realize a harmonic flow with the Universe when we’re not weighed down by the energy generated from this emotional density.

Endless materialistic yearnings may create a state of deficiency. How do we know what we need unless we take a break from what we want? Maturity and spiritual wisdom are prevalent when the action of constant longing is surrendered. Once we recognize that this is not to be used as a manifestation tool, we begin to attract the intended energy that we’re molded from as the living fulfillment of the Universe. This process is the spiritual maturity that we are all seeking.

“Through spiritual maturity you will see new ways to avoid unnecessary suffering; wiser ways to endure unavoidable hardships with grace, and opportunities to turn your pain into lessons of service and healing for others. Your hard journey has had a great purpose! Your pain was always a part of a plan to open your heart to love.” —Bryant H. McGill

Always remember that you are what all of existence desired to be, a genuine immaculate expression of Divine fulfillment. Keep radiating at high frequencies of love beautiful Souls, Namaste.

Love in Action

We are facing an initiation for a global spiritual evolution, as an invitation to rise and transmute the emotional density emitted by the collective consciousness. During this time of healing, we have to remember to hold space for our own self reflections, courage to be honest, examine our patterns and behaviors and choose to make changes in a more loving and compassionate embrace of ourselves. This love in action enables us to become the living embodiment of celestial light.

Self-love, acceptance, honor, alignment, truth, and harmony is the key to achieving integration and self-mastery. Keep radiating at high frequencies of loving kindness beautiful Souls. We are ONE, United in Love. Namaste.


This Super Full Moon, May you release and surrender to IT (infinite transcendence) with your inner truths.

When there are triggers along our journey to our highest self, it’s an opportunity to heal the emotional density  and debris encoded in our cellular DNA. This is a gift to help us integrate our mind and heart-centered consciousness in our ascension process. This may be due to:

Breaking out the cycles of acting out the socially acceptable collective unconsciousness. Bringing the ego out of the shadows and into the light so it can become the IAM of your highest potential.

Memory is the most well organized form of imagination. On the quantum level, ascension has already happened.

Where you see conflict and turmoil, you spread light to all corners of reality to wake up an entire universe. Underneath please include the purchase links to Amazon, B&N, Indigo

We are enabling Earth, the sacred space to become a peaceful, sovereign portal where cosmic brothers and sisters from other dimensions and galaxies can interact with humanity with equality for all beings.

May you be blessed with limitless love, strength, bravery, joy, inspiration, grace, humility, and fulfillment. Namaste beautiful Souls, keep radiating at high frequencies of LOVE.
I AM loving Awareness.